
Interesting Comparisions

Remember these?

We're showing these tabloid webcam photos where WSCA provided proof of them being photoshopped with various pics of Thom Yorke of Radiohead. John Paulus has confessed that his story about meeting Clay was a lie but he also included a mentioned that they were really webcam photos from a conversation Clay had with women on the internet. That didn't happen either and this revival is to insure that he and his followers don't try to push THAT concocted story. The quote below is how WSCA described what she did.

"What I've done here is an overlay of Thom's picture on Clay's, starting with 100% visibility on Thom's picture and ending with the picture of "Clay's" on 100% visibility. In between is where the morph happens. Let your eyes rest on the shadowing of Thom's left cheek....now...take a look at Clay's on the last picture. It's the same. Proof again that these webcam pictures were totally fabricated, starting with Thom's picture as a template. Bits and pieces of Thom were cut out with Clay's features pasted in, lighting changed, and (bad) shadowing added..."

NOTE: Focus on the glasses and follow the fading. Focus on the mouth. Now focus on the facial shadows. Focus on the nose holes (sorry). They are all there in the original and they are there in the finished phony Clay product.

Look at the entire pic of Yorke here:

Notice the side bangs and you will see a shadow on the phonies of Clay where those bangs originated. Remember the divotlike area of Yorke's hair on the right side as that comes into play a little later.

Remember this?

Now look at this Yorke pic!

Remember this?

Notice the following Newspaper photo:
While we can't be 100% certain that the eyes belong to Groucho, the resemblance is remarkable when you shadow the whites of the eyes so you can't tell if the person is REALLY making a downward glance.

Whose mustache matches the off-center shadow of a mustache on Clay?
Thom Yorke

Now remember the divotlike area of hair on the right side of Yorke's face in the main template.

We know that bits and pieces of Yorke photos were used and combined with some of Clay's features. Why? Because if there is a pic or screen cap of Clay on the internet then his fans can tell you what day it was taken, where it was taken and probably what socks he was wearing. The photoshopper(s) also had to have known this which is why many of us think that whomever did the dirty deed is someone VERY familiar with Clay's online fanbase.

Nobody is sure yet whether someone major in the music business controlled the purse strings or if it was a "Gay Mafia" hit or if it was the small group of hoodlums at the 411 blog but that will eventually come out as well, in my opinion, but here is the bottom line:

Case Closed!

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Anonymous said...

For anyone reading this, though it hasn't been linked anywhere yet, the blog will be edited. After putting this up it seems so blah blah blah blah blah and doesn't even mention that it comes as a result of John Paulus's confession that he never met Clay. We'll get rid of some of the blahs to simplify and add a disclaimer about the "eyes" on one of the phony webcams.

Anonymous said...

One of the things I've always noticed in some of the webcams is how one of the nostrils is so much bigger than the other, just like Thom Yorke's.

Post the two torso webcams. They are of two totally different guys, not that the haters would care. They're either too dumb to notice or their hatred clouds their vision and their common sense.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me about this picture of Groucho. How do we know that it's really him?? And it seems to be an official picture of some kind. Why would the haters use this picture to photoshop? I promise I'm not trying to discredit anything here the webcam pics are obviously a fake, I'm just a curious fan.


TheTruthExposed said...

To comment on the comment above, That is not that persons real name and is an opinion only, just noticing simularities only. Your original blog you visited can give you more details on the individual you asked about.

Take care and thanks!


Anonymous said...

One of the torso shots was a combination of more than one person's torso. WSCA also busted that one with the funniest portion being lower ab area with Speedo tan lines. With Clay's heavy equipment, he'd knock those suckers practically down to his knees.

Anonymous said...

what makes this whole idea beleivable to me is because Paulas himself posted that picture of Thom York..thinking it was Clay. He had no Idea it wasn't him, until it was pointed out to him and he changed the blog. JP never met Clay, he'd have known the difference. JP is a famewhore and an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It was pointed out to him, which was a laugh to begin with, but he had to ask someone and kept the pic up anyway. Took just a few short hours to assemble Thom Yorke pics and match the features we knew weren't Clay's to begin with.